Multilingual Affiliate Marketing: How to Skyrocket Your Affiliate Blog Income!

The purpose of this article is to provide a background on affiliate marketing, provide a definition of the term, and then discuss specifically multilingual affiliate marketing and how to create a multilingual affiliate website.

Affiliate marketing is a form of online marketing that has been widely speculated in the last few years, although it has a history of being used by online marketers for many years.

The term affiliate marketing has often been used in a negative way, and many people have assumed that it was a form of spam. Many people remember tons of spam being sent in the beginning of the Internet era with numerous scam offers.

Luckily, nowadays, affiliate marketing is a legitimate form of online marketing that is widely used by many huge companies, including Amazon, Google, eBay, and many others.

So what is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a form of online marketing that refers to the relationship between an affiliate (the person who is promoting the product or service) and the advertiser or affiliate platform (the website or platform where the product or service is being advertised or promoted).

The affiliate platform will typically provide a link or button that the affiliate can use to refer or promote the advertiser or affiliate platform to their audience. The advertiser or affiliate platform will typically share the revenue generated by the affiliate.

The affiliate partner may generate revenue by sending customers to the affiliate platform and their products. This usually happens when a customer either makes a sale, or when a customer performs certain actions like form submission, newsletter subscription, etc.

The affiliate partner will often use their own marketing resources to promote the affiliate platform or product. This can be a great way to generate additional revenue, and is often the basis for many online marketers.

Benefits of affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing has many benefits over traditional marketing. The first advantage is scalability. Because the affiliate program is not investing money into advertisements that may have unpredictable outcomes, they can scale their efforts as much as they want. This allows them to test multiple marketing channels, and focus on the channels that are generating the most revenue.

Affiliate marketing also allows businesses to reach a large audience of potential customers without investing large amounts of money in traditional marketing channels.

The second advantage of affiliate marketing is that it can be used to test new products. Because the affiliate program is not investing huge money into the affiliate campaign, they are free to test as many different products as they want and see which ones generate the most revenue. This allows them to identify which products or solutions are generating the highest profit, and focus on those items.

Risks of affiliate marketing

However, like traditional marketing, affiliate marketing also comes with risks. And the biggest risks here are present for affiliates, not affiliate programs. While affiliate programs do not have to invest much money into marketing campaigns, this is what affiliate partners need to do.

The biggest risk for affiliates is that they may not generate enough revenue to return their investments in marketing. If the affiliate partner is not generating enough revenue, they may be unable to continue their efforts.

In this situation, affiliate partners tend to look for affiliate programs in less competitive markets. In this way, they can increase their chances of generating enough revenue to cover their investments. This is why it is important for affiliate partners to look for affiliate programs in markets that are not very competitive.

And one of the most exciting opportunities for affiliates nowadays is to find international or multilingual affiliate programs.

What is an international affiliate program?

Generally speaking, an international affiliate program is a business model used by some companies to sell products and services outside their native countries. By creating an international affiliate program, they can sell their products and deliver their services to people all over the world.

This can be a more profitable business model, if you are able to identify a market where it is possible to sell a product or service online.

An international affiliate program can be a great way to expand your affiliate business to a new market.

Unfortunately, even with the international approach, affiliate programs can be a very competitive business. But there is another type of affiliate programs that deals with international markets and have lower competition rates. And these are multilingual affiliate programs.

Multilingual affiliate programs

Multilingual affiliate programs are platforms that allow affiliates to diversify their sales channels by promoting products in different languages. These products can be either geo-targeted, meaning they will be displayed in a certain language based on the customer’s location, or presented in particular languages, so affiliates can choose one to display on their websites.

There are a number of websites that have multilingual affiliate programs. It is important to note that a multilingual affiliate program is a great way to reach an international audience without having to market only in your own language.

Benefits of multilingual websites

According to many experts, English is the preferred language for posting information on the web. However, that does not imply you should limit yourself to it. Consider this: every day, over 4.5 million website posts are published online. This suggests that ranking for prominent English keywords is significantly more challenging due to the increased competition.

Therefore, it can be a good idea to diversify your online activities by promoting products in other languages. This can help you to get more exposure and increase your sales. It is worth noting that promoting products in different languages can be beneficial for your SEO strategy as well. For example, if you have a website in English, but you want to promote a product in Spanish, Google is more likely to give preference to your articles in Spanish if your English articles are already on the first pages of the search results.

We have already mentioned this, having multi-language website can be beneficial for your business. The same is true for multilingual affiliate programs. Actually, promoting multilingual products via an international affiliate program can multiply your sales. This is because multilingual affiliate programs are more efficient than single language affiliate programs.

Sounds too good to be true? Let’s find out.

How to set up a multilingual affiliate website?

Let’s imagine you have found an affiliate program that offers their products in multiple languages. This can be a hotel booking service, a cryptocurrency marketplace, a weight loss dietary supplement, etc. Whatever you want. The next step is to create an affiliate website that will provide information about this offer.

Multilingual affiliate website: the old way

The older way of creating a multilingual website was quite difficult.

You or your programmer or webmaster had to create a separate website for each language, and then you had to manually send the content from the main website to your translator, wait for the translation to be done, get it back, proofread it, check it for spelling and grammar mistakes, and then post it on your translated website. Then repeat for each other language. Then take care of SEO in all these new languages, update translated pages, if necessary, insert your affiliate links in the translated pages, and so on.

This process was time-consuming and expensive. Fortunately, today there is a new approach to creating a multilingual website. And this is not only easier, but also much faster, cheaper and even more effective.

Multilingual affiliate website: the new way

The solution is Autoglot: translation plugin for WordPress websites and blogs. Autoglot takes care of all the translation work for you, and all you have to do is to create an article in your original language or use the one you already published, and pick languages for automatic translation!

A detailed guide on creating a multilingual affiliate website with Autoglot

Here are the 5 steps you need to follow to turn your single-language website or blog into a multilingual web portal with Autoglot – and start conquering new markets and boosting your income!

1. Add Autoglot to your WordPress website

You can either download Autoglot plugin from the official WordPress plugins repository and then manually upload to your website, or use the WordPress built-in section to find, install and activate Autoglot plugin:

How to start multilingual affiliate website
Find, install and activate Autoglot plugin.

2. Register in Autoglot Control Panel and grab your API key

Next, please register in Autoglot Control Panel. You will only need to fill in your email address, name and password. Once you confirm your email address, please login to your Autoglot panel and find your API key as shown below.

Autoglot control panel
Find your API key and copy it.

Remember to keep your API key safe! By the way, your free initial translation balance will be 1,000 words, so you can check how Autoglot works without paying a cent!

3. Copy your API key to your Autoglot plugin

Find Autoglot plugin settings in your WordPress panel and paste your API key into the appropriate field. You can also enable Autoglot plugin and choose translation to be available only for admin. In this case, you can check the quality of Autoglot translation without making it available for your site visitors.

Configure multilingual affiliate website
Paste your API key into Autoglot plugin settings.

4. Choose languages you want your site translated to

The next step is the easiest and the most profitable. You simply need to choose the languages you want your affiliate articles translated to. No more hiring awkward translators that cost a fortune and dealing with untrusted webmasters that would ruin your website. Just click on the languages and choose as many of them as you need. It cannot be easier and faster!

Choose languages in multilingual affiliate website
Choose your new languages

5. Finally, set up your affiliate links and start earning!

Actually, you already have a multilingual affiliate website at this point. If your affiliate links are geo-targeted, they will automatically point to specific language or country versions of your affiliate product. However, you may want to add different affiliate links on different language versions of your affiliate website.

Don’t worry, Autoglot will take care of this, too!

There is a “Text Replacement” module where you can easily change pieces of content on your translated pages. For example, you can change the default link to on your Spanish pages, show on German pages, etc. This module can also be used to replace video sources, images, URLs, etc.

Replace links in multilingual affiliate website
“Text Replacement” module is designed to change pieces of content on your translated pages.

Now, start earning with your new multilingual website!

That’s it! After 5 easy steps that take less than 10 minutes, you turned your single-language affiliate website with default affiliate links into a multilingual web portal featuring affiliate links to different languages or different products.

This means from now on, once you publish one article with one affiliate link, you will automatically receive dozens of SEO-optimized translated articles with dozens of links to different products. And each of them will bring more and more sales!

Start today and Autoglot plugin will multiply your sales and skyrocket your affiliate income!

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